Miki 13th April 2020

こんなにも早くにお別れがくるとは思いもしていなかったので哀しく残念です。 ゆきちゃんに初めてお会いしたのは、雅博さんと結婚が決まりご実家に伺った時でした。私は緊張しながらもはっきりて記憶しているゆきちゃんの第一印象は、なんて綺麗で聡明なお姉さんでしょう! これまでの沢山の思い出を大切にします。ゆきちゃん、どうもありがとうございます。 美千代より I had no idea that we would be saying goodbye so soon, so I'm sad and sorry. The first time I met Yuki-chan was when I visited her parents' house where Masahiro and I got married. My first impression of Yuki-chan, which I remember clearly, though I was nervous, was what a beautiful and intelligent woman! From Michiyo It's been three weeks since my aunt Yukiko passed away, but I can't feel it at all. I will always remember my aunt for being on my side and always taking care of me. I will never forget how she always congratulated me on entering high school, graduating, and coming of age, and how she gave me wonderful souvenirs every time she came to Japan from London. I was always looking forward to seeing Yukiko come to Japan. I can't believe I won't see her again. I miss you,Yukiko one-Chan From Miki She was always cheerful and nice, took me to many places, gave me experiences, told me many precious stories, and had a lot of good influence on my life. I wanted to talk a lot more, and I wanted to do a lot of things together. I will do my best to become a wonderful woman like Yukiko. Thank you very much. I love you . May her soul rest in peace. From yuki ゆきこお姉ちゃんはいつも明るくて素敵で、色んなところに連れて行ってくれたり、経験させてくれたり、沢山の貴重なお話をしてくれて、私の人生においてたくさんの良い影響をくれました。もっと沢山話したかったし、一緒に色んなことをしたかったです。私もゆきこお姉ちゃんのように素敵な女性になれるように頑張ります。ありがとうございました。ずっと大好きです。ご冥福をお祈りします。 僕がイギリスに行った時に誕生日ケーキを作ってくれたりたくさんの世界遺産に連れて行ってくれて楽しかったです。イギリスで過ごした沢山の思い出は忘れません She made me a birthday cake when I went to England, and took me to many world heritage sites, which was a lot of fun. I'll never forget the many memories I had in England! From Kiichi